Agriculture department deals with the formulation and implementation of various programmes to augment production of both food crops and cash crops in the State. It undertakes activities among farmers to promote scientific methods of cultivation plant protection etc. and also arranges the supply of high yielding varieties of seeds, seedlings, planting materials and plant protection chemicals to farmers. The department also formulates policies and programmes relating to provision of credit to farmers. Agricultural Research, Education and Extension are three important functions of the department. It runs agricultural farms and also has an engineering wing.
The Head of the District Office is the Principal Agricultural Officer. He is assist by Deputy Director, Assistant Director, Assistant Principal Agricultural Officer, Technical Assistants, Agricultural Officers, Agricultural Assistants, Senior Superientendent, Junior Superientendent, Clerks and Office Attendeters. The Principal Agricultural Officer is the convenor of the District Level Committee of the Kerala State Paddy and Wet Land Act 2008.
Services from Krishibhavans
- Certificate for Electricity Connections
- Free Electricity
- Subsidy for various crops
- Subsidy under State Horticulture Mission scheme
- Subsidy under Central Scheme
- Procurement of Coconut
- KLU Certificate
- Agricultural Extension
- Pension for Small and Marginal Farmers
- Verification of Pension for Agricultural Labourers
- Soil Sample Testing
- Testing of Fertilizer and Pesticides
- License for Fertilizer, PP Chemical, Seeds and Nurseries
- Distribution of High yielding varieties of Seeds and Seedlings
- Provide Latest Technologies to farmers
- Services from department farms
- 9 department farms in Palakkad Producing distributing High Yielding seeds & seedlings.Conducting demonstration of new technologies in farms. Producing value added products in farms.
- Services from LABS
- Quality control of fertilizer in FQCL
- Soil Testing LABS
- Testing of Soil samples collected from Krishibhavans and issuing recommendation for application of fertilizer & Organic manure.
- Agmark LAB
- Agmark certification to Agricultural products.